Strategic Partner

Business Scaling Expert

Regenerative Catalyst

Business isn’t always easy, but it can be simple.


There are only a handful of distinct challenges in business… what is unique in each situation are the circumstances, complexity and perspectives. If you can see the big picture, then you can simplify and solve your challenges. Working with me invites you into a journey of:

  • Abundant energy and money to live the life you want and fully express your gifts

  • Scaling Impact in your business with more volume, momentum, and impact

  • Joy & Freedom in both your business and life to do what you want, when you want

  • Simplicity of strategy and business execution eliminating overwhelm, maximizing fulfillment

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About me

At heart, I am a devoted father, husband and friend, driven to grow, and help others to do the same.

I am always striving to be more present and in joyful creative flow. To feel the pulse of life flowing through me, and bring that caliber of growth and love to all that I do.

After a fairly structured life of business and finance, as well as yoga and sacred practices, I am moving into a new phase of growth and expansion in all parts of my life.

I am a firm believer in the power of balance and win-win in all things, and strive to live and work with full authenticity and regenerative impact for all.

 How fulfilled are you in your business?
Business can be a fulfilling and dynamic creative expression of your essence,
or it can be a stressful and exhausting way to pay the bills.

The choice is yours.


Entrepreneurs I work with:

  • Conscious-lifestyle minded business owners

  • Established businesses earning ~ $1M+ in annual revenue

  • Owners who want to grow their business bigger without losing their quality or culture

  • Leaders who want to increase their positive impact for their community and planet

  • Entrepreneurs who want more time and energy to pursue their personal goals, without compromising their business

The Experience

  • High-impact partnership with facilitated
    deep work sessions

  • Regular contact and communication for
    momentum building + accountability

  • Steady support with executive-level execution

The Outcomes

  • Alignment within the business and within yourself

  • Comprehensive clarity of where your business is now and a clear, audacious vision of where you want to go

  • Custom tailored strategic solutions to become scalable and achieve your vision

Life is calling,
the world needs your gift

Markets and technology are changing rapidly.
Waiting will take more time, more money and more stress.

Seize momentum

Simply working harder won’t do the trick.
Only increasing your sales won’t bring you the life and freedom you desire.

Work with a business coach

A qualified business coach can strategically partner with you
to elevate your business and accelerate your vision.

“So many small business owners with big ambition take a do-it-yourself, trial and error path in their attempts at manifesting their dreams. Even when success is achieved, the journey typically turns out to be way too long and arduous. More often than not, this kind of bootstrap approach leads to costly disarray and then eventually deep disappointment. There is a better way.

By partnering with an experienced business coach of the caliber and insight of Siri Amrit,
someone who understands the pitfalls and helps you avoid them… it’s a whole new ball game!
He is masterful at identifying the blind spots that nearly every business owner has, and then recommending brilliant, cost-effective solutions that shortcut the whole process. He is a conscious consultant with abundant passion, vision and skill.
I highly recommend him!”

—GuruGanesha, Conscious Selling, Inc.
Co-founder & Executive Chairman

Regenerative Ethos

The world is changing - and fast.

From blockchain and AI, to inflation and globalization, the foundations of our global economy are rapidly changing.

From environmental degradation and species extinction, to extreme climate events and refugees, our relationship to the Earth must come into balance.

With staggering inequality, global health crises and the weaponization of fear, our social fabric is being strained to the breaking point.

Clearly we can’t continue with “business as usual”.

It’s time for rapid and radical evolution. For long-term perspectives, compassionate considerations, and system upgrades.

It is time to move from a zero-sum approach and “manifest destiny” economic model, to regenerative capitalism for all humanity. This is my credo and my mission:

To evolve and align the human systems of capital and commerce into regenerative momentum for all life on this Earth.

Offerings (evolving)


Introductory Partnership

In a blend of coaching and consulting, I join your team as a strategic partner to ensure you realize your next level of income and impact.

Together we will assess and strengthen ALL parts of the business for alignment and scalability. I will be facilitating sessions for deeper clarity and alignment, co-creating compelling visions and strategies, and assisting in execution and maintaining momentum and accountability to realize your next level impact.

Focal areas may include:

  • Clarity and alignment of your vision, branding and culture

  • Organizational structure, roles and processes for scalability

  • Data processes, systems and reporting for stable growth

Details & Investment

  • 2 month introductory partnership term

  • Kickoff 2.5 hour session deep dive

  • Weekly 1.5 hour sessions for progress and momentum

  • Ongoing support (emails, calls, messaging)


Premier Partnership

With a longer term, more results and higher value point, the Premier partnership is my primary offering.

In a blend of coaching and consulting, I join your team as a strategic partner to ensure you realize your next level of income and impact.

Together we will assess and strengthen ALL parts of the business for alignment and scalability. I will be facilitating sessions for deeper clarity and alignment, co-creating compelling visions and strategies, and assisting in execution and maintaining momentum and accountability to realize your next level impact.

Focal areas may include:

  • Clarity and alignment of your vision, branding and culture

  • Organizational structure, roles and processes for scalability

  • Data processes, systems and reporting for stable growth

Details & Investment

  • 6 month Premier partnership term

  • 2.5 hour session deep dive + for kick off and halfway point

  • Weekly 1.5 hour sessions for progress and momentum

  • Ongoing support (emails, calls, messaging)

“Working with Siri Amrit was eye-opening, stirring and refreshing.
Through the process of questioning, reflecting, digging, writing and sharing, something shifted in me, and I feel inspired to

dive in and clarify what I want my business and my impact to look like.

In order to get where we want to go we need to know where we are and the path we need to get there.
Siri Amrit is an intuitive, intelligent and heart-centered teacher, and entrepreneur
that has the experience, knowledge and skill to guide us there.”

—Mahan D.
Entrepreneur, Coach, Yoga Instructor


More about me

I am a proud member and past presenter of the Social Venture Institute (SVI), a growing collective of mission-based entrepreneurs and creatives in their 25th year of helping each other level up their lives, business ventures and impact.

I have been working in and talking about business for as long as I can remember. Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, thinking about the challenges and solutions of running a business was always front and center. I taught myself bookkeeping when I was 13, and by the time I was 16 I owned and managed our school store, with 5 student employees and over $1000/week in sales.

I have served on the leadership teams for multiple small businesses and organizations, usually holding the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and often end up leading the visioning, strategic planning and team building as well. I have overseen multiple ERP system implementations and led diverse and talented teams around the world.

In my tenure with our family business, we doubled the size of the company and sold it within 5 years. I am a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and bring my extensive experience in both the creative and technical aspects of building and growing businesses to serve you, the regenerative business leaders of the world.


Your full life is calling.

The world needs your gift.

Seize momentum!